A generic JSON schema for describing school curricula
Must be of type "Course" (https://schema.org/Course)
Name of the Curriculum with corresponding langstring
"@language": "de",
"@value": "Eine Beschreibung"
"de": "Eine Beschreibung"
"Eine Beschreibung"
"a description"
A description of the item.
"@language": "de",
"@value": "Eine Beschreibung"
"de": "Eine Beschreibung"
"Ein Titel"
"a title"
Publisher of the item
Name of the item with corresponding langstring
"Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung (ISB)"
Publisher of the item
Name of the item with corresponding langstring
"Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung (ISB)"
A code to identify the item.
The corresponding subject the item belongs to.
"@type": "DefinedTerm",
"name": "Mathematik",
"url": "http://w3id.org/openeduhub/vocabs/discipline/380",
"inDefinedTermSet": "http://w3id.org/openeduhub/vocabs/discipline/"
Name of the subject as defined in the term set.
The corresponding educational level of the item.
"@type": "DefinedTerm",
"name": "12",
"url": "http://w3id.org/openeduhub/vocabs/educationalLevel/2",
"inDefinedTermSet": "http://w3id.org/openeduhub/vocabs/educationalLevel/"
Name of the educational level as defined in the term set.
The corresponding educational context of the item.
"@type": "DefinedTerm",
"name": "Sekundarbereich I",
"url": "http://w3id.org/openeduhub/vocabs/educationalContext/sek_1",
"inDefinedTermSet": "http://w3id.org/vocabs/openeduhub/vocabs/educationalContext/"
Name of the educational level as defined in the term set.
The subelements of the item.
Name of subelement
Link to the license or copyright notice.