(scroll down for german-version) As some of you know, I work in the field of Open Education. I am particularly interested in how communities…
TL;DR: Meine Erfahrungen beim Aufsetzen eines NOSTR-Relays auf Basis von und erste Interaktionen mit . Fazit: Super easy aufzusetzen und…
(Ist noch work in progress) TL;DR: ... Das Value For Value Prinzip bietet eine Möglichkeit Ersteler*innen von freien Bildungsmaterialien…
Scroll down for german version How can the curricula of the states of Germany be linked? And what does this enable us to do? In the workshop…
Long time no see! So I'm still in education metadata (and there to stay) and my interest in Linked Data approaches to solve challenges in…
Vom 23.08. bis zum 25.08. fand das diesjährige Jointly-Sommercamp statt. Neben dem Austausch über aktuelle Entwicklungen, Ideen und…
This blog post is still a bit in progress, but I had to put it out here! I recently stumbled across a blog post of Olaf Hartig concerning…
Some time has passed since the last post and quite some things have happened. The wirlernenonline-project has published a data-dump of its…
Link to GitHub-Repo. Why? Frameworks in Germany are currently not published machine-readable. That is very sad. Institutional learning takes…
Link to GitHub-Repo. On the 16th of June Matthias Andrasch tweeted an OER on the current climate crisis: He used the theme HTML5 UP and…
Hello there, I added projects I've done or am still working on to the project part of this site. When I was in school, we encouraged…
Hello there, this will be my future place for thinking out loud about stuff I'm currently working on, plan to do or think that it should be…